
You're looking at this section, probably wondering what is Arnaqueur? What does it mean, and how does it even tie into a clothing line. For starters, "Arnaqueur" means "hustle" in French. This verb is very detrimental because it can symbolize the quality of life you will live. Society has shown us that you cannot maintain living the American Dream, without some trade or craft that generates revenue on a secondary basis. This is also known as the hustle, which is commonly referred to as a (plan). Everyone has a (plan) but what sets everyone apart, is how diligently they work to make the plan come into fruition. This is the important trait of the hustle.

Throughout the 21 years I have been living, I've learned that any plan is only as good the ((urgency)) put into it, to actually see some form of results. However, it requires an abundance of determination, it also requires the ability to grind through trials and tribulation to make a bad situation beneficial in the long run. With this mentality instilled, the world is at your fingertips.